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Internet Access in Costa Rica

If you’re looking to get Internet access in Costa Rica, there are several options to choose from.  Costa Rica has a relatively modern telecommunication infrastructure and has the second highest Internet coverage in Latin America.  All Internet traffic goes through state-owned Grupo ICE and its subsidiary RACSA – monopoly providers of telephony, data communications and Internet. 

Free Wireless Internet Access

RACSA offers free wireless internet access in popular spots throughout the country, including international airports and shopping malls.  Most hotels also provide free wireless access, as well as popular restaurants, such as McDonald’s, Subway, Bagelman’s, Denny’s, etc. 

Internet Cafés

It’s not difficult to find an Internet Café in Costa Rica – just about every small town in the country has one.   Many of the Internet Cafés sell coffee and food while you surf the net.  Rates vary and usually increase the further away you get from San José.  The speeds go from 56k modems, to WIFI and cable with high speed access.

Internet access at home

If you’re interested in getting Internet access for your home or office, the following services are available:

  • Dialup – this option allows you to connect to the Internet using your phone line.
  • ADSL – high speed internet service that works through your phone line.
  • Cable Modem – this option is available to people who have Amnet or Cable Tica.
  • WiMax – new broadband service that allows you to access the Internet via a wireless antenna.
Travel Agencies, after hours & weekends:
(506) 2257-4171

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*Rates are subject to change without previous notice, according to any tax changes or any government regulations.

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