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Town Tour

townNo other tour will really show you how Monteverde truly emerged, the way our Town Tour does. Visitors will learn about the history of the hard-working Quakers who decided to settle there and imprint their lifestyles in the region, making it what it is today.

We start off with a visit to one of Costa Rica’s most famous cheese factories, where, apart from learning from its actual manufacturing process, you will enjoy tasting world-class cheeses. Then you’ll continue to other locations in Monteverde including the Women Craft Store (CASEM), that groups 100 to 150 women from the area who have come together seeking for a place to exhibit their work while ensuring an additional income that will allow them to take care of their family as well. After this, you will get to the Monteverde Coffee Roaster where you will taste a very special coffee, as it is from the high mountains of Monteverde. You will finish this amazing tour with a visit to Ecstasy Woodcraft Gallery and Alquimia Art Gallery, where Costa Rican artists exhibit their truly amazing wood works.


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