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    San José, Costa Rica - Friday 2nd november 2007

Approval of the prevention day for teenager’s pregnancy

The Second Full Commission of the Legislative Assembly approved in the first debate, the project to create the National Day of the Teenagers Pregnancy Prevention.

Costa Rica Daily NewsThe initiative aims that every year the 10th August, lectures will be read for preventing pregnancies in schools and colleges, both public and private.

The talks will be also provide in clinics and hospitals in the Costa Rican Social Security Fund (CCSS).

The bill of law is initiative of the National Restoration Party. Guyón Massey, member of the parliament said that the proposal will bring benefits for the teenage population in the country, exposed to scourges such as unwanted pregnancies.

He said that the primary purpose of the initiative is to create a day on which these kids think and report the consequences generated on a pregnancy.

The celebration will also end with the rights protection of girls who are pregnant and surrounded of negative consequences suffered in most cases.

The proposal of the bill law is also supported by the Costa Rican Association of Gynecology, Obstetrics and Infant- Juvenile medicine.

According with data from that organization, teen pregnancies have increased over the years.

The Association appropriated that in 1980, 13% of all pregnancies in women were teenagers, in 2006 this figure increased to 22% of all births registered in Costa Rica.

During the school year of the previous year, the Ministry of Education reported that 1,603 students attended school and college classes in a state of pregnancy.

"We want to see a day in which the colleges and schools talk about this topic and they tell young people the consequences of taking hasty decisions," said Massey.

Daniela Unfried